Are you planning a camping trip with your kids? If you are, there are ways to make it amicable for everyone involved. Even if your children bicker and fight on the way to the campground, you can make it an incredible experience for them. By setting boundaries from the start, you’re able to maintain control no matter what happens. Having ground rules in place ensures that everyone camping has an equally good time.
Here are some of the ways to keep the peace when camping with kids:
1. Keep them busy.
When children are having fun, they have little time or energy to disagree with anyone. They’re laser-focused on whatever they’re doing at the moment. Fill their day with activities and don’t be afraid to ask them to pitch in around the campsite. There are many things kids can do to keep the tent clean and tidy or prepare a meal.
2. Assign extra chores when the arguing gets out of control.
Every behavior has consequences. Let your kids know that they’ll be required to do extra around the campsite if they can’t agree to disagree. Creating a boundary where behavior is concerned helps everyone focus on the things that matter and forget about the things that don’t. The ultimate goal is to have a good time which is more important than arguing a point that others don’t agree with.
3. Allow them to bring some of the comforts from home.
A sense of familiarity is achieved when kids are able to have some of their favorite things with them while they camp. Whether it be a stuffed animal, a cozy blanket or a book they love, give them the opportunity to make the trip extra special. You may even give them a notebook or journal to use specifically for camping. They can play games, draw, collect souvenirs, and even write about what they’ve seen and experienced while away from home.
Camping with kids is a blast! Children see the world unfiltered. They live to experience everything they can which makes them the perfect Saco River Camping Area camper. We love being a place where precious memories are made year after year.