How to Keep the Peace When Camping with Kids

three kids inside a small tent behind an open campfire

Are you planning a camping trip with your kids? If you are, there are ways to make it amicable for everyone involved. Even if your children bicker and fight on the way to the campground, you can make it an incredible experience for them. By setting boundaries from the start, you’re able to maintain control […]

The Best Activities for Families to Do Together While Camping

family of four hiking along a trail near water

Camping provides families with fond memories that last a lifetime. Among the most attractive things about sleeping underneath the stars is how easy it is to customize a trip to your liking. You can take into account the ages of the family members traveling with you to your favorite campsite. That way, you ensure that […]

Creating a Theme for Your Next Camping Trip

four young people raising coffee mugs as if to salute the outdoors while sitting on a blanket

Coming up with a theme for your camping trips can be a lot of fun. It helps you and your family get organized and stay focused while you’re away from home, too. When you have a theme that you’re following, you’re more inclined to plan ahead to make sure meals and activities relate to the […]